Introduction to Junior Kart Racing
Are you age 11 to 16?
Are you interested in the exciting sport of Kart Racing?
Tabor Karting in conjunction with 2 Counties Kart Club will be offering a
series of free initial test drives during 2024
There is also the option of a free engine on loan for the rest of this year!
(subject to conditions – see NKRA membership below )
Details of how to book your free test drive and how to progress to club racing are given below.
Also there are FAQs to help you answer those inevitable questions about what comes next.
We look forward to hearing from you.
How to book your test drive:
Contact Russell O’Neill 07932 468923
Tabor Karting 01305 774074 / mail@planetkarting.co.uk
Also see: Planet Karting Website www.planetkarting.uk
The small print:
For the test drive you will be expected to pay the circuit an insurance fee – typically £5 – £10
The free trial is limited to one session of up to 10 minutes.
The free trial must be pre-booked for date, time, and circuit.
Junior Kart Racing
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Are Tabor Karting Specialists?
Tabor Karting specialists have been at the sharp end of kart racing for over 47 years and are suppliers of all kart racing equipment and accessories. The main focus of their business is on the Formula Blue and Junior Blue kart racing classes. They are the sole importers of the Italian LYNX, MAXI & LEOPARD range of kart racing engines and the German BEBA Tyres, as well as importers of the Italian MAC racing kart and Tillotson carburettors.
Who are 2 Counties Kart Club?
We are a relatively small kart club benefitting from a friendly, family- inclusive atmosphere. Although not being linked directly to any track, we travel around various locations in the UK mainly based in the south. We actively support all “grass route level” competitors with friendly advice, information and help where needed (along with some banter). And we have a great range of trophies awarded at an evening event each year.
What Kart Racing Class are we promoting?
Junior Blue: This class is unique in having a range of carburetor restrictors that reflect the weight of driver and kart. This means that everyone, regardless of body weight, can race equally. Weight makes a difference to performance – this system equals out the differences.
What are the ages for Junior Kart Racing?
From 11 to 16.
At 16 you may progress to Senior Blue with the same equipment (with a change of restrictor).
What are racing dates and circuits?
See www.planetkarting.uk – fixtures menu
I like it! What do I need and how much will it cost?
- Personal. A racing suit, boots, gloves, and helmet. Optional rib protector.
Total cost approx. £ 400 – £ 450
Please note: Racing suits must be to CIK standard. Helmets must be full face and road legal / MSUK standard. - A kart. We would recommend a good second-hand kart to start with. Approx. starting cost £800
- An engine. Formula Blue water-cooled, electric start complete with exhaust, control box and wiring, and carburetor. Please note these engines are “box stock” and cannot be modified in any way, thereby eliminating potentially prohibitive ‘tuning’ costs.
They are available second-hand, but we strongly recommend that they are not purchased without a full check and report confirming they comply and are not on final bore. Tabor Karting can do this for £24.
A complete new engine is £2,190 – complete with all accessories. £1,660 – less accessories. - A toolkit. Metric socket set, spanners, pliers, hammer, screwdrivers, Allen keys and tyre gauge are a minimum.
- Transport. A way of getting kart and equipment to the circuit – and home again!
What do I do and what will it cost to practice with my own equipment?
- Practice fee. Payable to the circuit. Typically, approx. £50 per day per driver.
- Fuel. Supreme/Super unleaded petrol – typically 5l a day.
This MUST be mixed with race oil or your engine will seize within minutes! - Coolant. Water can be used but we recommend motorcycle coolant.
- Tyres. Old tyres are fine for practice to start with. Speak to any of the front runners for purchasing their 2nd hand tyres.
What will it cost to go racing?
- Club Membership. It is advisable to belong to a Club. 2 Counties membership is £20 for juniors.
For new Junior members, we are offering free membership for 2024 - NKRA membership.
The NKRA is a specific Championship held over more than one circuit and with trophies and awards.
Entry to the NKRA Series can bring the offer of a free engine (less accessories) on loan for the current year, for Junior BLUE Racing when purchased at the same time as a Kart ( used or new). There will thereafter be a servicing cost of approx. £250 at 500km. Apply to Tabor Karting. - A test to demonstrate your competence to race. Arrange with a circuit of your choice. Or with an NKRA official if racing in the NKRA Championship.
- A Kart racing licence from MSUK. A Motorsport UK ‘Go Karting’ Starter Pack cab be purchased from shop.motorsportuk.org. N.B. This is not necessary for racing in the IKR controlled Championship.
Initially, you will be a “Novice” , this means you will start at the back of the grid at each meeting.
At the end of the meeting, an official will verify your competence and after 5 signatures you can upgrade to a full licence(MSUK) three races NKRA. - An entry to a meeting. Typically, approx. £60 for the race day. This will include practice (3 laps), 3 race heats and a final race.
- Tyres. Formula Blue have tyres that will last two to five meetings, but a new set of tyres will give a slightly quicker time for the first 20 laps or so. New slick (dry weather) tyres are £169 a set. Wet weather tyres are £185.
What are the references for further information?
* National Kart Racing Association. View the web page on www.planetkarting.uk
- 2 Counties Kart Club. Look under the 2CKC tab on www.planetkarting.uk
- MSUK. Motorsport UK has information on its website.
- MSUK “Blue Book” for racing rules and regulations. It comes with your licence or is available online. Look for the “Karting” sections.
- Formula Blue engine and class specifications. Look at www.planetkarting.uk
Or contact TABOR KARTING for more information. 01305 774074 / mail@planetkarting.co.uk - 2 Counties Technical regulations. Look at www.planetkarting.uk – 2 counties menu